Your Lawn = Potential Habitat

“Lawn has been a status symbol for centuries, and we have bought into the commercials that tell us if it’s not a perfect lawn, our neighbors will hate us and, you know, we’re just not good citizens. What I suggest is we cut the area of lawn in half. It’s a brand new way for people to look at the role of their yards…”

— Doug Tallamy

  • Small Spaces

    Purchase native plants from one of our network retail growers and add to existing landscapes or pots. Habitat planters are resilient and mobile. Apartment dwellers, we need you too! Combine multiple species of native plants into any container and see what beneficials find your ecological oasis.

  • Prairie Pockets

    Ready to build a native “Pollinator Pocket”? Transform a portion of turf into a new garden bed full of Oklahoma native plants. Make sure to consider succession blooming, include a variety of nectary shapes and sizes, don’t cut back grasses until spring, (if at all) and leave some leafs.

  • From Lawn to Habitat

    Inspired to convert your lawn to a vibrant habitat? Hire a professional in our network to design and implement a total lawn to prairie conversion. Aim for at least 70% Oklahoma native plants and zero invasive species.
    Get ready to enjoy your new space in all it’s bio-diversity glory.